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15:49 14-11-2007
Alice Harrison
I may be being paranoid but my 14 week old BT puppy I feel shows some of the early markers of CECS as described to me by an American friend with a dog with CECS. She often has a loud gurgling stomach and is not that keen on food other than grass. She also is permanently itchy and scratching and has occasional paw chewing sessions. She is on Hill's Rice and Salmon puppy diet for "sensitve" puppies and I am generally very careful about what she eats - she is at that gnawing, chewing phase of life though and so the moment I turn my back she is eating a wastepaper basket, chewing clothes or unrolling the toilet paper - and eating things she should not. Am I being paranoid about her itchy-ness and stomach rumbles? I have had two Border Terriers before but I don't recall either of them doing these things. Can anyone advise me?
17:38 23-09-2007
Paula & Archie UK
Hi, I am the owner of a fab border called Archie, he has been having these fits as the vet keeps insisting that they are, for 5 years now luckily he only has 1-2 per year, as scary and as upsetting as they are, they started off with just mild tummy cramps with loud noises as a pup, but they do seem to be getting worse and lasting longer as he gets older! We have been to the vets on 2 occasions within mins one time and 2 hours the second for blood test which have shown nothing but slightly high fat levels and raised bile acids, the next thing they were going to do was an MRI scan, which I wasn't looking forward to. But finding your website has been kind of a relief because I was sure they weren't epileptic fits, so I will be going to my vets to inform them of spikes disease, and am looking to try the raw food. It feels so good to know your not on your own.
Thanks Paula & Archie x
15:12 20-09-2007
Karen Verhoeven
Mijn labrador Pepper, bruine ongecastreerde reu van 17 maanden, heeft nu 5 aanvallen gehad die precies overeenkomen met wat er in de videobeelden te zien is!
Ben bij een goede dierenkliniek geweest. Bloeduitslagen zijn verder normaal. De dierenarts verwees al, na overleg gehad te hebben met een honden-epilepsie deskundige, op Spike's disease....
Ik ben erg benieuwd waar de voedingsadviezen op gestoeld zijn. Zijn dat persoonlijke ervaringen of anders?
Anti-vlooien/teken middel en shampoo zijn inderdaad een stevige tricker voor een aanval.
De aanvallen van Pepper waren tot op heden gelijk qua beeld, gelijk aan wat er op de video's te zien is. Wat kan ik verwachten als het een zwaardere aanval zou moeten zijn (er staat bij de videobeelden namelijk vermeld dat het gaat om minder zware aanvallen).
Veel vragen dus nog.... maar ben blij met deze site!

Vriendelijke groet, Karen
06:55 23-07-2007
Raina Woolfolk
Today was the first time I got to look through your website lessons. I'm impressed, very cool! I can't believe how many folks have contributed to placing Spikes Disease/CECS videos on It's really a good feeling to know how musch information is becoming available for people around the world. You deserve KUDOS for all of the contributions you have made in this area. Raina, Riverdog and Oliver Twist in California, USA
15:19 22-06-2007
D. Winkel
Hoi, dit probleem ken ik. Onze vorige hond had dit ook en het werd met de dag erger. Op 16 jarige leeftijd moesten wij onze teefje laten inslapen. Ging niet meer. Meerdere aanvallen per dag. Onze hond was een smous achtige hond en 3 jaar bij ons geweest. Heeft uw hond als pup ooit vreselijk z'n kop gestoten? Ook konden wormpjes in de hersenen weleens de oorzaak zijn vertelde een dierenarts eens. Hoe dan ook, wij hebben nu een borderpuppie. Erg ondeugend en mijn veters en brooekspijpen zijn het doelwit, dit onder luid gegrom.
Heel veel plezier met jullie hondjes en wie weet tot 11 september in Arnhem. Wij zijn ook door de fokker uitgenodigd
20:19 07-01-2007
My Border terrier bobby has around 3/4 fits a year in the same way as the video's. Is there any treatment (cure) for spikes disease?
23:47 06-11-2006
Julia den Hartog
Ik heb net de video`s gezien, maar wat is er met die hondjes aan de hand ??
Krijgen ze aanvalletjes ofzoiets?
Het is heel eng om te zien,
Graag goede informatie erover.
Julia den Hartog
18:15 27-06-2006
Cathy Beckett
Can a mixed terrier get CECS? I have a little guy who is definately some kind of terrier mix. He has the exact kind of attacks that I saw on the video. What do blood tests within 48 hours after an attack show? Please answer ASAP. He had an attack last night & I'd like to be knowagable before going to my vet. Thank you.
21:40 21-05-2006
Emilie Woodruff
I am so sorry to read of the health problem of your border teerrier. I live in Canada and my Border terriers are from the U.S.A. mostley Krispin lines. I have never heard of Spikes deasiese or of his pedigree?
Thank you for sharing. Our first Border Terrier is now over 16 years old and has had good health all her life. What she suffers from now is all age related.
02:03 24-03-2006
karla L Quinn
Thank you so much for putting this on a Web sight. Although I was warned about this, I had no idea of what to look for and what food to avoid. I really appreciat all the info! I was told only that it was a form of Epli.--- Spelling worng. Thanks so much for caring about our wonder Border Terriers. I am a very receient owner and Love the Breed very much. Karla
00:37 28-02-2006
I am a Border called Annie, reading all of your stories on your condition, has made me feel very lucky, i am fit and only flaw is that i have wonky front teeth, but my humans love me and say i am unique ! what a great page full of different stories and information, i am sure my human Mam will be visiting again, especially how she loves to look at Border Terriers and to see the mischief we get up to..........because we can !!!!!!!!!
07:31 27-12-2005
Virginia Miller
Thank you for your information and videos on Spikes disease. We had a male Border Terrier born 7/31/1990. He had all the symptoms you are showing and talking about. We would RUSH him to our vet when he was in the middle of one of these cramping episodes, to no avail. Nothing was ever diagnosed, even with multitudes to tests. He did seem to "outgrow" the problem. He became a champion, and received other awards, but we never bred him because of this "weird" thing he would go through. We would talk "cautiously" with other Border Terrier breeders/owners about this and nothing was ever said about " I know what you are talking about". He lived until Jan 13, 2005. He was diabetic, possibly had cushings disease as well and died having full blown seizures. He was the love of our life, we will never forget him.

We were fortunate enough to buy another Border Terrier in 2004, a lovely female born 12/24/2003 luckily she does not have any symptoms of Spikes disease and we hope to breed her in the near future.

Our hearts go out to everyone that has a B.T. with this horrible condition, I sincerely wish breeders will not breed any B.T. with this problem and will be more open to discussing this, God knows no one would talk to us about it. We love this breed and want to keep it as healthy as possible through sensible breeding.

I thank you for this wonderful site, you are a blessing to our beloved breed of Border Terriers.

Virginia and James Miller
Cheviot Grange
Paris, KY
[email protected]
00:02 03-12-2005
Diane Demma Almy
I am on the BT list and just found your web site. Great stories and photos. Keep up the good work.
20:37 19-10-2005
Cees de Boer
Hallo Joke,

Alles gelezen als info over jou verhaal. Indrukwekkend en ontroerend.
Wij hebben ook 2 Border terriers, de oudste (Pepper)is 6 jaar en de jongste (Banjer)is 9 maanden. Ze komen bij verschillende fokkers vandaan.
De oudste heeft regelmatig een mindere dag waarbij hij een heel timide gedrag vertoont. Eerst dachten we wat is dit, maar jou verhaal gelezen te hebben we de indruk dat onze Pepper ook behebt is met dit nare verschijnsel.
Het is zielig als je hem ziet.
We laten nu eerst bloed onderzoek doen en een eventueel echo om zeker te weten dat er niets anders achter zit. De hondjes zijn ons zeer dierbaar.
We voeren de Banjer momenteel Hill (lam en rijst) en Pepper (Royal Canin) maar ik ga weer terug naar Smolke.
Wat zou jij adviseren.
Het moet een brok zijn met zo min mogelijk gluten, eiwitten en kwalijke stoffen .

Bij voorbaat dank en sterkte met je hondjes.

vriendelijke groet,

Cees de Boer
van Roekelweg 79
7335HC Apeldoorn
08:06 29-08-2005
Hello from Australia.I have a small Kitten who had similar symptoms . But now she seems to have epilepsy. This is a good site and I like all the information on Food.I agree a faw diet is best for pets especially those with epilepsy or spikes disease.

Good luck

Melbourne, Australia
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